MDD VerticaFare Tracking ID Dynamic Fare Tracking ID Histogram Fare Tracking ID Fares Strip Fare Tracking ID Boxever Tracking ID Boxever ML Tracking ID Homepage Fares Tracking ID Boxever Offers Tracking ID Header Checkin ID Manage Booking Checkin ID BPG Desktop ID BPG Mobile ID Complement Journey Link IID Search Results - Manage Booking IID New Destinationprice Discover cta IID Content Strip Manual Fares IID Content Strip Dynamic Fares IID
ALL60431240 ALL54330180 ALL62332760 ALL59705690 ALL21786150 (DefaultValue) ALL11101210 ALL75955700 (DefaultValue) ALL65919200 (DefaultValue) ALL50312570 (DefaultValue) ALL54261150 (Default Value) ALL29548590 (Default Value) ALL40778730 ALL96603970
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Cookie policy

1. Our cookie policy

1.1 This is the cookie policy of Qatar Airways Group Q.C.S.C., organised and existing under the applicable laws of the State of Qatar having its principal place of business at Qatar Airways Tower 1, Airport Road, PO Box 22550, Doha, State of Qatar ("Qatar Airways", "we", or "us"). By using  our website, www.qatarairways.com (our “Website”) and mobile applications (including our iPhone, Android and Blackberry apps) (our “Mobile Apps”), you have accepted our use of cookies, IP addresses and our use of other methods to collect website usage data as detailed in this Policy ("Cookie Policy"). Please read this Cookie Policy together with the terms and conditions posted elsewhere on our Website and Mobile Apps, including our Privacy Notice (https://www.qatarairways.com/en/legal/privacy-policy.html) and our website terms and conditions available here (https://www.qatarairways.com/en/legal.html).

1.2 Subject to applicable laws, the English version of this Cookie Policy will prevail over any version of this Cookie Policy in another language. In the event of any inconsistency in interpretation between the English version and any translation of the Cookie Policy, this Cookie Policy statement in English will prevail.

2. What are cookies and what do they do?

Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser or device by websites or apps that "remember" that your computer or device has accessed a website or app. We use cookies to deliver to you a more user friendly service by making it easier and faster for you to use our Website or Mobile Apps. Cookies help us understand whether you came to our website via a search engine, or by some other method, and what were the most popular elements of our Website or Mobile Apps. Cookies do not give us access to any other personal information on your computer or device other than the personal information you choose to share with us. Irrespective of saved cookies, for security reasons you must still log in each time you access areas of our site that require registration.

3. What kind of cookies are used on the website?

We use four types of cookies which are a mixture of first party cookies, which we set ourselves, and third party cookies, which are set by our third party service providers. We use i) Essential cookies ii) Performance cookies iii) Analytics cookies and iv) Marketing cookies as detailed below: 

4. How can i enable or disable the acceptance of cookies?

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but you can configure your Internet browser to accept or reject cookies, or to notify you when a cookie is set (check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences). 

Disabling cookies should not prevent you from using our Website or Mobile Apps, but certain features or functions of our Website and Mobile Apps (including the ability to book flights) may not be available to you if you disable or restrict the use of cookies. 

Essential and Performance cookies cannot be turned off. However, Analytics cookies can be turned on, or off in certain countries. Marketing cookies can be turned on or off by changing your cookie settings on our Website. If you require more information or help to change your cookie preferences in your browser, please refer to the documentation of your device or browser that you are using to access the internet. 

5. Where can I learn more about cookies?

For further information about cookies, please refer to your browser ‘help’ section or see www.allaboutcookies.org

Session / temporary - These cookies are deleted from your device after you leave the Website.

Permanent / persistent - These cookies are not deleted from your device after you leave the Website. They remain on your device for a longer period of time.

First-party cookies – These cookies are set by the web server of the visited page and share the same domain.

Third-party cookies – These cookies are stored by a different domain to the visited page's domain. This can happen when the webpage references a file located outside its domain.

The table below summarizes the different types of first party cookies we use on the Website, together with their respective purpose and duration (i.e. how long each cookie will remain on your device):

Cookie categories

Cookie Purpose Type



QRTOKEN Used as a technical cookie to authorise the log-in of Privilege Club members. Essential Cookies Session
login-token Used as part of the log-in process of Privilege Club members. Essential Cookies Session
CustomerSummary Used to display the dashboard summary once a Privilege Club member has logged in. Essential Cookies Session
basicInfo Used to display the user's basic information in the profile section once a Privilege Club member has logged in. Essential Cookies Session
otpTriggered Used to verify the OTP following the submission of the enrolment form. Essential Cookies Session
loginRequest Used to keep the Privilege Club member logged in as they navigate through the website. Essential Cookies Session
tgtCookie Used to show the OTP request field when the user resets their password. Essential Cookies Session
loginSuccess Created when the Privilege Club member logs in successfully and is used to keep them logged-in while they are actively using the website. Essential Cookies Session
resetPassword Used to reset the user's current password. Essential Cookies Session
resetMessageFlag Used to reset the user's current password. Essential Cookies Session
otpFrom Used to identify whether the OTP request was from the log-in section or the user's profile page.  Essential Cookies Session
activity Used to identify whether OTP request was from the user's 'My activity' section. Essential Cookies Session
otpChannel Used to identify whether the OTP was requested from the mobile application or website. Essential Cookies Session
comResponsys Used to navigate to the 'Communication preferences' section in the user's profile when redirected from emails.  Essential Cookies Session
QMILESSITE Used to store site status (new, old, global and local). Will no longer be in use following new release of website. Essential Cookies Session
flightBookings Used to display the upcoming trips once a Privilege Club member has logged in. Essential Cookies Session
alertModalExpiry Used to ensure travel alerts do not show once the page has been visited. Essential Cookies Session
dlBGImageCode Used to display the profile image once a Privilege Club member has logged in. Essential Cookies Session
STUDENT_CONVERSION Used to show and hide the 'Join Student Club' widget.  Essential Cookies Session
InfoMissing Used to redirect the user to their profile page if they don't have any saved address or contact details. Essential Cookies Session
SAC_ERROR Used to determine the number of captcha attempts. Essential Cookies Session
otherInfo Used to show a Privilege Club member's additional information on their profile after they have logged in. Essential Cookies Removed after logout
cookie_visited Used to show the cookie consent bar to new visitors. Essential Cookies Until cleared by user
companion Used to redirect a user from an email, to the log-in page and then to the 'Travel companion' section on their profile.  Essential Cookies Session
BIGipServerbooking-qrcom-pool Cookie is used for F5  application delivery controller placed in a data center between the firewall and one or more application servers to manage sticky session Essential Cookies Session
Preferred_Currency Used to store and remember the currency selection made during the user's previous and current flight search. Essential Cookies 1 year
Language-Preferred Used to remember the country and language of the website that a customer visits. Essential Cookies 1 year 
country Used to store the country code to show the corresponding currency in all of the visited pages. Essential Cookies Session
country_geo Used to store the user's geogaphic location to show the relevant country pages as they navigate through the website. Essential Cookies Session
accepted_functional Cookie preference is stored so that the user is not asked again as they navigate to other pages on the website.  Essential Cookies 6 months
accepted_marketing Cookie preference is stored so that the user is not asked again as they navigate to other pages on the website.  Essential Cookies 6 months
drcookie Used to enable the darksite if website is compromised.  Essential Cookies Session
JSESSIONID To ascertain when a user's session has started and ended. Essential Cookies Session
ai_user Required for Azure app insights to store the site's performance. Essential Cookies Session
ai_session Required for Azure app insights to store the site's performance. Essential Cookies Session
QRCOMSITE Used to identify site status (old, new, global and local) and redirect where necessary. Essential Cookies 1 year 
Qralertcookie Used to show and manage travel alerts. Essential Cookies Session
appStoreCookie Used to show the 'download app' banner in mobile view. Essential Cookies 1 week
_abck Used to identify and compare human traffic against bot traffic.  Performance Cookies Session
ak_bmsc Used to identify and compare human traffic against bot traffic.  Performance Cookies Session
bm_sv Used to identify and compare human traffic against bot traffic.  Performance Cookies Session
bm_sz Used to identify and compare human traffic against bot traffic.  Performance Cookies Session
compStartSrc Used to gather information regarding the user's last page visit and analytics tracking. Analytics cookies Session
AMCV_###@AdobeOrg Used to identify a unique visitor whose IDs are used by Experience Cloud Solutions. Cookies with this setting are only sent when the domain displayed in the URL of the browser matches the domain of the cookie. This setting is the new default for cookies in Chrome. Analytics cookies 2 years
s_ecid Contains a copy of the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) or MID. The MID is stored in a key-value pair that follows this syntax: s_ecid=MCMID. This cookie is set by the customer’s domain after the AMCV cookie is set by the client. The purpose of this cookie is to allow persistent ID tracking in the 1st party state and is used as a reference ID if the AMCV cookie has expired.  Analytics cookies 2 years
s_cc This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (set to “True”). Only one cookie is used for all accounts. Analytics cookies Session
s_ips Used to track the percentage of a page that was viewed. Analytics cookies Session
s_plt Used to fetch the percentage of a page that was viewed. Analytics cookies Session
s_pltp Used to provide the page's name value (URL) for use by Adobe Analytics. Analytics cookies Session
s_ppv Used by Adobe Analytics to fetch and retain what percentage of a page was viewed. Analytics cookies Session
s_tp Used to track the percentage of a page that was viewed. Analytics cookies Session
s_sq Set and read by the JavaScript code when the Select Map functionality or the Activity Map functionality are enabled. It contains information about the previous link that was selected by the user. Only one cookie is used for all accounts. Analytics cookies Session
s_vi Used to identify a unique visitor and collect the unique visitor ID's time and date stamp.  Analytics cookies 2 years
s_fid Used as a fallback to identify unique visitors and the unique identifier ID's date and time stamp if the standard s_vi cookie is unavailable due to third-party cookie restrictions. Not used for implementations that use first-party cookies.
Analytics cookies 2 years
s_sq Set and read by the JavaScript code when the Activity Map functionality is enabled. It contains information from the s_vi  cookie about the previous link on this site that was clicked by the user. This cookie is used by Adobe Analytics to identify a unique visitor. Analytics cookies Session
gpv_Page Used to track the previous page that was visited. Analytics cookies Session
gpv_pn Contains the previous page name. Analytics cookies Session
s_dl Stores the numbers of days since the user last visited the website. Analytics cookies Session
s_nr Stores the date(s) of when the user last visited the website and whether or not the visitor is new or returning. Analytics cookies 30 days
s_dur Calculates the amount of time that has elapsed since the visitor initially landed on the page. Analytics cookies Session
s_ivc Set by the 'getVisitNum' plugin and sets cookie value that is equal only to the value of "true". Analytics cookies Session
s_nr30 Used to to determine whether the visitor to the site is a repeat or new visitor within a desired number of days.  Analytics cookies 30 days
s_vnc365 Used to track the number of visits by a unique visitor within 365 days of their first visit. Analytics cookies Session
campaigntracking Used assess the website performance from external traffic. Analytics cookies 30 days
G_ENABLED_IDPS Used to securely log in to the website with a Google account. Analytics cookies 2 years
_ga Used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. Used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the site's analytics reports. Analytics cookies 2 years
_ga_<container-id> Used to persist session state. Analytics cookies 2 years
_gid Used to distinguish users. Analytics cookies 24 hours
__utma Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytics cookies 2 years
__utmb Used to determine new sessions and visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytics cookies 30 mins
__utmc Used to determine whether the user was in a new session. Analytics cookies Session
__utmt Used to throttle request rate. Analytics cookies 10 mins
__utmz Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the site. It is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytics cookies 6 months
 QSI_S_{ZoneID} Used to ascertain how many visitors land on a page as well as how many times they have visited. Analytics cookies Persistent, 1 week
QSI_SI_<id>_intercept  Used to track whether the intercept on repeated user visits should be displayed.  Analytics cookies Persistent
 QSIPopUnder_PopUnderTarget_SI_ Used to know if a pop-up window is already showing in order to avoid multiple pop-up windows appearing on a user's screen. Analytics cookies Session
QSI_HistorySession Used to track the URLs of the website's pages that the user has visited. Analytics cookies End of session
mbox Used to retain a number of values (e.g. session ID, PC ID, check and disable) to manage how visitors experience targeted campaigns. Analytics cookies 1 year
At_check Used to determine if a visitor supports cookies. It is set each time a visitor requests a page and is used by Adobe Target. Analytics cookies Session
QM Session Cookie This is required to identify and fix technical or behavioural issues on QR digital properties Analytics cookies Expires after 30 minutes of inactivity 
QM User Cookie This is required to find any matching sessions related to a specific user, to stitch together sessions that jump across digital properties, for example - Native app into web Analytics cookies Expires after 1 year
recent-search-request  Used to remember previous flight searches (e.g. departure and destination airports, dates, number of passengers, and promo codes) to populate subsequent flight searches. Essential Cookies 1 year
qr-search-flights-session Used to remember previous flight searches (e.g. departure and destination airports, dates, number of passengers, and promo codes) to populate subsequent flight searches. Essential Cookies 1 year
PREFILL_DAT Used for storing encrypted passenger information for future bookings (including first and last name, gender, D.O.B, nationality and passport details) after receiving user consent. Essential cookies 1 year
History Used to remember previous flight searches (e.g. departure and destination airports, dates, number of passengers, and promo codes) to populate subsequent flight searches. Essential Cookies 1 week
fromIata Used to identify the previously searched departure and destination cities.  Essential Cookies 1 week
_gcl_au Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. Marketing Cookies 3 months
_fbp Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Marketing Cookies 3 months
_uetsid Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used by Microsoft Bing Ads as a tracking cookie which helps to engage with a user that has previously visited the website. Marketing Cookies Session
_uetvid Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used by Microsoft Bing Ads as a tracking cookie which helps to engage with a user that has previously visited the website. Marketing Cookies 16 days
_tt_enable_cookie Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. It is a TikTok cookie used to collect data about behaviour and purchases on Qatar Aiways website and to measure the effect of advertising. Used to evaluate and measure how different campaigns and marketing strategies perform on TikTok. Also used to identify a visitor. Marketing Cookies 13 months
_rdt_uuid Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. It is set by Reddit and is used for remarketing on reddit.com. Marketing Cookies 1 year
_ttp Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used by Tiktok to track user behaviour for the purposes of serving targeted advertisements. Marketing Cookies 13 months
_sctr Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used to determine whether a third party tag was triggered from Snap Ads Pixel. Marketing Cookies 1 year
aeCid Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. The “ClickID” is a unique ID that is automatically generated by an affiliate called “aecid”. It is created when the Internet user clicks on an affiliate tracking link. Marketing Cookies 1 year
permutive-id Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used to identify users across multiple domains owned by a given publisher. Used to measure the effectiveness of adverts and to provide targeted advertising, including from DoubleClick affiliate. Marketing Cookies Session
permutive-session Created after triggering respectve GTM tags. Used to identify users across multiple domains owned by a given publisher. Used to measure the effectiveness of adverts and to provide targeted advertising, including from DoubleClick affiliate. Marketing Cookies Session
bid_QtRKHYqnbZkUG1beHZCp1CtN0hfm1y1k Used to maintain the browser ID between sessions. It generates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) that is unique per browser until the cookie expires or is deleted, at which point a new UUID is generated for Sitecore CDP data capture. Marketing Cookies 1 year
bid_VFdGeWExSmxaR1I1U1hOQlRHVm5aVzVr Used to maintain the browser ID between sessions. It generates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) that is unique per browser until the cookie expires or is deleted, at which point a new UUID is generated for Sitecore CDP data capture. Marketing Cookies 1 year 
boxever_test Used to check that the Sitecore CDP Data Capture cookies are working as expected.  Marketing Cookies Removed immediately

6. Amendment of this cookie policy

We may amend this cookie policy with immediate effect from time to time to comply with law or to meet our changing business requirements without notice to you. Where local regulations require, we will obtain consent from you for any new uses of any cookie. You should read and review this page regularly to see if there have been any changes.

7. Questions and complaints

Should you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at: 

Qatar Airways Group
Qatar Airways Tower
PO Box 22550
Doha, State of Qatar

For additional information about cookies, please visit:


Last updated: July 2023

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