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당사는 쿠키를 사용하여 사용자의 요구에 맞게 사용자 경험을 맞춤화하고 특별 혜택, 고유한 기능 등을 제공합니다. '동의'를 선택하면 쿠키 사용에 동의하는 것입니다. 또한, 바닥글의 '쿠키 동의' 링크를 사용하여 언제든지 기본 설정을 변경하고 브라우저 쿠키를 지울 수 있습니다.
웹사이트가 제대로 작동하려면 필수 쿠키가 필요하며, 성능 및 분석 쿠키를 사용하면 개인 정보를 저장하지 않고도 웹사이트 성능을 기록 및 최적화할 수 있습니다. 이 쿠키는 차단할 수 없습니다.
마케팅 쿠키는 당사와 외부 협력사가 귀하의 관심사에 기반해 연관성 높은 콘텐츠 및 상품을 제안하기 위해 사용됩니다.
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We will send a one-time pin to your registered email address to reset your password. Please check your spam folder if it does not arrive in your inbox.
We will send a link to your registered email address to reset your password. Please check your spam folder if it does not arrive in your inbox.
Reset password link has been sent to your registered email
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Placeholder for service error message
Placeholder for service error message
Your OTP preferences have been updated.
A verification link will be sent to your newly amended email address. You will now logged out of your Privilege Club account. Do you wish to continue
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) sent to your mobile number {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) resent to your mobile number {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) sent to your email address {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) resent to your email address {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) sent to your email address {1}, and mobile number {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the one-time pin (OTP) resent to your email address {1}, and mobile number {0}, within the next {2}.
Please enter the valid one-time password
OTP should not be empty
Placeholder for service error message
Your account has been temporarily locked as the maximum number of daily attempts has been reached. Please try again by resetting your password after 24 hours. Back
Your OTP preferences have been updated.
The OTP has been successfully verified.
Your contact details have been successfully changed..