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Claim Missing Avios with Financial Partners
To claim missing Avios with our financial partners, please contact the respective partner on the contact information provided below. Please ensure you send a copy of the transaction or receipt.
Contact details
To claim missing Avios with ahlibank Oman send a copy of the transaction or receipt via the contact details listed below.
Tel: +968 24577177
For more information on how to contact ahlibank Oman visit the ahlibank Oman website.
To claim missing Avios, please visit American Express website
To claim missing Avios with Burgan Bank send a copy of the transaction or receipt via the contact details listed below.
Tel: +965 1804080, +965 22988000
WhatsApp: +965 1804080
Email: info@burgan.com
For more information on how to contact Burgan Bank visit the Burgan Bank website
To claim missing Avios with Cathay United Bank send a copy of the transaction or receipt via the contact details listed below.
Tel: +886 2 2383-1000
For more information on how to contact Cathay United Bank visit the Cathay United Bank website.
To claim missing Avios, please contact your local Citi Rewards customer service centre.
To claim missing Avios with Commercial Bank send a copy of the transaction or receipt via the contact details listed below.
Tel: +974 4449 0000
For more information on how to contact Commercial Bank visit the Commercial Bank website.
To claim missing Avios with Doha Bank send a copy of the transaction or receipt via the contact details listed below.
Tel: +974 4445 6000
Please contact the above number after 5 business days if your Avios have not been credited to your membership account.
Tel : 800 8555 or +974 4410 0888 from outside Qatar.
Tel: (+94) 4 511511/2 511611
To claim missing Avios with HSBC Taiwan please contact Customer Service
Tel: +886 2 6616 6000 (24hrs)
Customer service email : csr@hsbc.com.tw.
Please call the PingAn WanLiTong Customer Service Hotline 400-888-0999, or, contact PingAn WanLiTong online customer service
Tel: +974 4440 7777