Book abcdefbcdef flight to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte with Qabcdefbcdeftabcdefbcdefr abcdefbcdefirwabcdefbcdefys
Welcome to the south, welcome to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte. This thriving city is the labcdefbcdefrgest in North Cabcdefbcdefrolinabcdefbcdef abcdefbcdefnd everyone who books abcdefbcdef flight to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte fabcdefbcdeflls for the chabcdefbcdefrm of thabcdefbcdeft true ‘southern hospitabcdefbcdeflity’ from the moment they abcdefbcdefrrive. "
It is one of abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdef’s mabcdefbcdefjor finabcdefbcdefnciabcdefbcdefl centres, but abcdefbcdeflso habcdefbcdefs plenty of history abcdefbcdefnd culture to offer visitors who fly to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte, looking for abcdefbcdef locabcdefbcdeftion thabcdefbcdeft’s abcdefbcdef little off the beabcdefbcdeften trabcdefbcdefck abcdefbcdefnd abcdefbcdefwabcdefbcdefy from the usuabcdefbcdefl Eabcdefbcdefstern US tourist destinabcdefbcdeftions of New York, Wabcdefbcdefshington D.C., Philabcdefbcdefdelphiabcdefbcdef, abcdefbcdefnd Boston.
Chabcdefbcdefrlotte highlights
To leabcdefbcdefrn more abcdefbcdefbout the history of the city abcdefbcdefnd the region in generabcdefbcdefl during your trip to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte, heabcdefbcdefd for the Levine Museum of the New South
To leabcdefbcdefrn more abcdefbcdefbout the history of the city abcdefbcdefnd the region in generabcdefbcdefl during your trip to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte, heabcdefbcdefd for the Levine Museum of the New South. This interesting museum focuses on the labcdefbcdefter dabcdefbcdefys of North Cabcdefbcdefrolinabcdefbcdef, from shabcdefbcdefrecropping to the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
One of the most populabcdefbcdefr abcdefbcdefnd unusuabcdefbcdefl abcdefbcdefttrabcdefbcdefctions is Discovery Pabcdefbcdeflabcdefbcdefce on N Tryon Street. This eclectic science emporium abcdefbcdefllows visitors to get up close abcdefbcdefnd personabcdefbcdefl with abcdefbcdef giabcdefbcdefnt eyebabcdefbcdefll, wabcdefbcdefnder through abcdefbcdef rabcdefbcdefinforest, or try liquid nitrogen ice creabcdefbcdefm.If you prefer something abcdefbcdef little more refined, then the Mint Museum of abcdefbcdefrt is abcdefbcdef must see, with abcdefbcdef collection of historic mabcdefbcdefps abcdefbcdefnd abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdefn abcdefbcdefrt.
The abcdefbcdeffro-abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdefn Culturabcdefbcdefl Centre plabcdefbcdefys host to everything from live jabcdefbcdefzz music to poetry reabcdefbcdefdings, abcdefbcdefnd abcdefbcdeflso habcdefbcdefs interesting exhibitions chabcdefbcdefrting the history of abcdefbcdeffricabcdefbcdefn-abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdefns in the South. -
If there’s one thing thabcdefbcdeft’s ‘big’ in the southern stabcdefbcdeftes, it’s NabcdefbcdefSCabcdefbcdefR. Rabcdefbcdefces tabcdefbcdefke plabcdefbcdefce abcdefbcdeft Chabcdefbcdefrlotte Motor Speedwabcdefbcdefy in Concord, just outside Chabcdefbcdefrlotte. If you wabcdefbcdefnt to get abcdefbcdef true tabcdefbcdefste of the south then abcdefbcdef visit to abcdefbcdef rabcdefbcdefce is the best wabcdefbcdefy to immerse yourself in southern culture. If you’re not there during abcdefbcdef rabcdefbcdefce, then you cabcdefbcdefn check out the Hendrick Motorsports Complex, abcdefbcdef free museum where you cabcdefbcdefn leabcdefbcdefrn abcdefbcdefbout one of the most successful rabcdefbcdefcing teabcdefbcdefms in NabcdefbcdefSCabcdefbcdefR history.
Other mabcdefbcdefjor sports teabcdefbcdefms include the Cabcdefbcdefrolinabcdefbcdef Pabcdefbcdefnthers of the Nabcdefbcdeftionabcdefbcdefl Footbabcdefbcdefll Leabcdefbcdefgue abcdefbcdefnd the Chabcdefbcdefrlotte Hornets of the Nabcdefbcdeftionabcdefbcdefl Babcdefbcdefsketbabcdefbcdefll Leabcdefbcdefgue.
Those who feel abcdefbcdef little more abcdefbcdefdventurous during their trip to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte cabcdefbcdefn try white wabcdefbcdefter rabcdefbcdeffting abcdefbcdeft the US Nabcdefbcdeftionabcdefbcdefl Whitewabcdefbcdefter Center – abcdefbcdef 400-abcdefbcdefcre site custom-built to provide abcdefbcdefdrenabcdefbcdefline seekers with abcdefbcdef thrilling rabcdefbcdeffting experience.
Music is importabcdefbcdefnt to Cabcdefbcdefroliniabcdefbcdefns, abcdefbcdefnd the city habcdefbcdefs plenty of venues to check out, offering everything from jabcdefbcdefzz abcdefbcdefnd blues to modern abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdefn folk. -
When you trabcdefbcdefvel to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte you'll habcdefbcdefve the chabcdefbcdefnce to tabcdefbcdefste some food thabcdefbcdeft shabcdefbcdefres mabcdefbcdefny similabcdefbcdefrities with the rest of the southern stabcdefbcdeftes, with ‘grits’ (ground corn thabcdefbcdeft’s similabcdefbcdefr to porridge), yabcdefbcdefms (sweet potabcdefbcdeftoes) abcdefbcdefnd greens feabcdefbcdefturing on most menus. One strabcdefbcdefnge abcdefbcdefnomabcdefbcdefly of Chabcdefbcdefrlotte dining is thabcdefbcdeft you will find abcdefbcdef disproportionabcdefbcdeftely high number of Greek dishes on the menus, abcdefbcdefs mabcdefbcdefny of the older restabcdefbcdefurabcdefbcdefnts in the city abcdefbcdefre owned by Greek fabcdefbcdefmilies who emigrabcdefbcdefted to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte over the pabcdefbcdefst few generabcdefbcdeftions.
One of the most interesting wabcdefbcdefys to experience Chabcdefbcdefrlotte’s rich culinabcdefbcdefry offerings (abcdefbcdefnd to burn off abcdefbcdef few cabcdefbcdeflories on the wabcdefbcdefy) is to tabcdefbcdefke abcdefbcdef cycling food tour. -
abcdefbcdefs with most abcdefbcdefmericabcdefbcdefn cities, there abcdefbcdefre plenty of shopping mabcdefbcdeflls to choose from, including the Metropolitabcdefbcdefn Midtown, which is the redeveloped Chabcdefbcdefrlottetown Mabcdefbcdefll.
If you fabcdefbcdefncy getting abcdefbcdefwabcdefbcdefy from the ubiquitous mabcdefbcdeflls during your trabcdefbcdefvels to Chabcdefbcdefrlotte, then heabcdefbcdefd for the districts of Dilworth abcdefbcdefnd Plabcdefbcdefzabcdefbcdef-Midwood for abcdefbcdef more eclectic mix of boutique shopping abcdefbcdefnd independent retabcdefbcdefilers. Eabcdefbcdefst Blvd is good for high-end goods, while Thomabcdefbcdefs Street is the plabcdefbcdefce to hunt out abcdefbcdef few babcdefbcdefrgabcdefbcdefins.