MDD VerticaFare Tracking ID Dynamic Fare Tracking ID Histogram Fare Tracking ID Fares Strip Fare Tracking ID Boxever Tracking ID Boxever ML Tracking ID Homepage Fares Tracking ID Boxever Offers Tracking ID Header Checkin ID Manage Booking Checkin ID BPG Desktop ID BPG Mobile ID Complement Journey Link IID Search Results - Manage Booking IID New Destinationprice Discover cta IID Content Strip Manual Fares IID Content Strip Dynamic Fares IID
ALL60431240 ALL54330180 ALL62332760 ALL59705690 ALL21786150 (DefaultValue) ALL11101210 ALL75955700 (DefaultValue) ALL65919200 (DefaultValue) ALL50312570 (DefaultValue) ALL54261150 (Default Value) ALL29548590 (Default Value) ALL40778730 ALL96603970

Electronic Ticketing

Validating Rules (Usage of QR Documents) for Full OAL Carrier Itinerary:

Electronic Ticket (e-ticket) is a document which tracks sale and usage of passenger transportation without requiring the issuance of paper documents, while all the data relating to passenger's itinerary, fare, class, payment, TFCs, coupon status as well as historical records of all actions is electronically stored in the database of validating carrier.

In general, QR does not prohibit plating of exclusive OAL carrier itinerary on Qatar Airways (157) document (stock or plate). However any violation of plating/sales restriction in Fare Basis rules is not permitted.

It is also not permitted to use 157 stock or plate in case that at least one OAL carrier participating in the itinerary can be used as validating carrier (e.g. carrier is member of BSP/ARC in the country of e-ticket issuance and having valid IET agreement with all carriers/operating carriers participating in itinerary).

Qatar Airways follows standard industry practice in validating carrier selection criteria, hence Travel Agents must ensure that  QR stock or plate is not being used exclusively on OAL itineraries in case of following scenarios or any combination of them:

  • Fare basis rules have plating/sales restrictions
  • The validating carrier can be one of the carrier(s) participating in the itinerary (operating carrier is a BSP/ARC member in the country of e-ticket issuance)
  • There is an airline acting as the General Sales Agent in the country of ticket issuance for any airline participating in the itinerary, provided that:
    • Fare Basis rules do not restrict usage of selected validating carrier
    • A valid interline electronic ticketing agreement exists between validating carrier and each carrier participating in the itinerary. In case of code-share flight, a valid interline electronic ticketing agreement between validating carrier and operating carrier must exist as well


However, Travel Agents may use 157 stock or plate exclusively on OAL itineraries in case it is being issued as a feeder service in connection with prime QR itinerary ticketed on separate 157 stock or plate provided the following conditions are met;

  • OAL Fare basis rules do not have plating/sales restrictions
  • A valid interline electronic ticketing agreement exists between QR/157 as validating carrier and each carrier participating in the itinerary. In case of code-share flight, a valid interline electronic ticketing agreement between QR/157 as validating carrier and operating carrier must exist as well
  • ENDO BOX of e-ticket being used for exclusive OAL itinerary contains e-ticket number of prime QR itinerary ticketed on separate 157 stock or plate.

Coupon Sequence and Use

The Qatar Airways ticket is only valid for transportation as shown on the e-ticket, from the point of origin via transferring/stopping point to the final destination. Flight and baggage coupons shall be honored only in sequence. The ticket will not be accepted for transportation and will lose its validity if all the coupons are not used in the sequence. Refund or exchange/reissue/revalidation of e-tickets erroneously accepted out of sequence will not be permitted.

E-Ticket Validity

Contract between an airline and a customer which is valid for a maximum period of 12 months from the date of issue for the specified journey. The outbound flight must be taken within 12 months from the date of issue .The inbound flight(s) may be no longer than the actual fare validity permits however the ticket validity is independent of the fare validity.

Fare Validity

Fare validity is defined as the maximum period within which travel can be performed for a given fare. For each fare, validity is driven by the maximum stay rule (Category 7) of the fare rule/condition. Any fare governed by a maximum stay rule may however be upgraded to a higher fare level with longer maximum stay (never to exceed the 12 months of ticket validity) with payment of applicable fare difference and change fee. In case of combination the most restrictive fare rules will be used.

Voluntary Extension of Validity

For non-changeable fares, travel validity extension is not permitted. It implies that validity extension to the next higher level (including upgrade to higher fares/cabin) cannot be made even by payment of the additional fare.

For changeable fares, travel validity extension is permitted by payment of fare difference to a fare with longer travel validity. It implies that validity extension to the next higher level can be made only by payment of the additional fare provided change is permitted. In case of mixed class fare the most restrictive rule applies, e.g. if any component is non-changeable, travel validity cannot be extended.

Important Ticketing Instructions:

  • E-tickets are security, value, accountable & legal documents and must be issued and treated as such
  • Interline & operating carrier must hold valid interline electronic ticketing agreement with Qatar Airways
  • All sectors must be e-ticket eligible and published on Amadeus Neutral Availability
  • Coupons being reissued or refunded must show all previous coupons with final status
  • E-tickets not handed to passengers for any reason must be completely voided on same day as the Date of Issue shown on e-ticket
  • Qatar Airways e-tickets are not transferable from the passenger named thereon to any other person
  • All Fare Calculation boxes must show Neutral Unit of Constructions (NUCs), except of e-tickets issued purely for domestic transportation, where local selling currency can be used
  • No paper ticket can be issued on QR/157 stock or validated on QR/157 plate
  • The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires that Passenger Name, Date of Birth and Gender to be present in Passenger Name Record (PNR) as Special Service Request (SSR) using SSR code SFPD. This is known as Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD). If this data is not present in the PNR at the time of ticketing, the ticketing transaction will be denied.

157 E-ticket can be voided latest before midnight of Date of Issue.

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