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- Carriage of live animals guidelines
Carriage of Live Animals
Qatar Airways has introduced a new form to provide customers ease of access for requesting a carriage of Animals in Hold, Service Animals, and Falcons on QR flights.
The form will capture information related to processing of the request
- Type / breed of the pet
- Weight of pet and the container
- Dimensions of container (length x width x height)
- Documents for Service Animal SVAN
The request form is accessible in the Trade Portal Help page.
Qatar Airways only accepts the following animals & birds within the passenger cabin to accompany the passengers:
No animal other than a dog is permitted in the passenger cabin as a service animal or psychiatric service animal.
With the recent updates made to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) rules on carriage of service animals, Qatar Airways has revised its policy on the carriage of animals in passenger cabin. With effect from 11 January 2021, Qatar Airways will only accept service animal (SVAN) on board QR operated flights on regulated routes to assist passengers with a disability, with a maximum of 2 dogs per passenger.
The DoT’s new rule defines a service animal as a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability.
Travellers are responsible for ensuring they have the health documentation and other certifications required by the departure and destination country. Additionally for travel to/from/via USA, travellers are required to complete the hardcopy or electronic version of DOT’s “U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form” as well as U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Relief Attestation” as a condition of transportation (for flights over 8 hours).
All other categories of animals will be permitted to be transported within the aircraft hold (AVI) in accordance with the documented policy followed for ancillary services with the collection of regular applicable charges.
Qatar Airways will honor the carriage of animals for its customers that have confirmed services booked on/before 07 January 2021.
There is no change in policy for acceptance of Falcons onboard the passenger cabin.
For Birds, only Falcons are permitted in the passenger cabin. Country restrictions may apply. Hence, please inquire from Qatar Airways, it is always recommended that TIMATIC is checked
a) Service / Assistance Dogs (for passengers with disability) on:
Qatar Airways permits free of charge carriage of a service dog to accompany a customer in the passenger cabin on the following flight routings ONLY :
- Flights to / from U.S.
- Flights to / from European Union countries; and countries which are not EU members but have adopted EC 261 e.g. Georgia, Norway & Switzerland.
- Direct Qatar Airways flights between points in the USA or European Union and Doha, in both directions;
- Direct Qatar Airways flights connecting at Doha, to or from Qatar Airways flights between the USA or European Union and Doha, in both directions. This includes Qatar Airways / United Airlines code share flights;
- Direct Qatar Airways flights between the USA and Doha, in both directions, which connect as through journeys from/to cities in the USA, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean South and Central America to / from cities served by Qatar Airways direct flights between the USA and Doha.
**Note : Service dogs will not be accepted in the passenger cabin on any other Qatar Airways flight.
b) Falcons
Conditions of Acceptance:- Passenger(s) wishing to carry falcon(s) in the Aircraft cabin may do so only in Economy Class
- Only one falcon per passenger is allowed to be carried in the Economy class cabin
- Maximum of six (6) falcons only (passenger cabin - economy class) can be accepted on any Qatar Airways flight
- Falcons must always be hooded when carried in the passenger cabin
- They should be accompanied by valid health certificates and entry permit required by the countries of entry or transit, if applicable. The falcons will be carried in the passenger cabin at the owner’s risk
- A chain or cord must be attached to a leg of each bird. The other end of the chain or cord must be securely fixed to the handler in order to inhibit the ability of the bird to fly while in the cabin
Live animals accepted as check-in baggage must be harmless, domesticated pets. Animals accepted as checked baggage to be carried in the aircraft hold must be in a suitable container that is constructed in accordance with the requirements specified in the IATA Live Animals Regulations.
**Note- Not all countries allow service animals to arrive in the passenger cabin of the aircraft.
Please contact our call center to verify any limitations that may exist for the countries in your itinerary.
Please ensure to carry all the documents/certificates of your dog as required by the local law of the foreign country, you may contact Qatar Airways office for details.
It is recommended that you carry along with you the proof that the dog is a service dog, the proof can be in the form of identification card, other written documentation, presence of harnesses and tags.
Please bring with you sufficient absorbent or other material for the dog that may relieve itself on the flight, this is to prevent any health or sanitation risk on the flight due to the dogs waste.
Type of Live Animals Carriage
Type Definition Remark AVIH Animal in the Hold Animal carried as Baggage or Cargo PETC Pet in Cabin Not acceptable by QR, except Falcons. SVAN Passenger with service animal Passenger with service animal in cabin (dog) - Interline acceptance of AVIH on QR is not permitted, in case of transfer from OAL to QR. However while transferring them from QR to OAL, interline carriage is permitted, provided onward carrier`s regulations are adhered to.
For interline Carriage of AVIH:
- Specific rules of the Operating Airline apply for special types of baggage such as live animals (AVIH), and there may be aditional rules of restrictions imposed by the local regulations or the aircraft types in use by them.
- AVIH for interline carriage will only be permitted if the continuing carrier (YY) has confirmed acceptance and within the permissible minimum connecting time (MCT).
- it is imperative that the customer is advised in advance that all arrangements with the onward carrier must be done by the customer themselves and that QR will only be responsible for acceptance on its flights.
Acceptance of AVIH is as follows:
- QR to OAL = Yes permitted, provided all arrangements for the onward YY carrier is done by the customer themselves.
- OAL to QR = not permitted.
Note: At the time of check-in, the customer must produce a service confirmation that the OAL will accept the AVIH as booked. Non-compliance to the above requirement may result in the customer not being accepted on a QR flight(s).
- When a request is received from a passenger for the carriage of an animal as AVIH, full details of the type of animal and weight and the size of the container must be recorded in the reservations record (PNR).
- AVIH must be pre-booked with QR local office. Request for the animal to travel must be sent by SSR AVIH format.
There are several restrictions for animals which shall not to be accepted:
- Animals younger than eight weeks and / or fragile must not be accepted, as well as “Primates” that are being carried for “RESEARCH PURPOSE”.
- Female with suckling young are not allowed to be carried unless a veterinary certificate is produced which states that both mother and young one are fit to travel.
- Cats and dogs which are more than 6 weeks pregnant must not be accepted unless accompanied by a veterinary certificate certifying the animal is fit to travel and there is no risk of birth occurring during the journey.
- Certain breeds of Dogs and cats, including snub nosed shall not be accepted on Qatar Airways aircraft as checked baggage, as these animals, variably, are susceptible to increased risk of heat stroke (when exposed to stress or temperatures above 21 degrees Centigrade).
Carriage of Service Dog:
Acceptance of Service Dogs Assisting Disabled Passengers
Certain international regulations such as the US Department of Transportation law for the United States of America or EC Regulation for Non EU countries such as Switzerland, Norway and Georgia have implemented that in specific circumstances, to permit a service dog to accompany a disabled customer in the passenger cabin on flights to and from the USA and EU member states. Dogs will be allowed to travel in both directions.
A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or other, trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, the animal is considered service animals under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government.
Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. Guide dogs are one type of service animal used by some individuals who are blind.
Some examples include:
- Alerting persons with hearing impairments to sounds
- Pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments
- Assisting persons with mobility impairments with balance
- Calming a person with a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack.
Only a service dog may accompany a Customer; no other service animal is permitted in the passenger cabin.
In some cases, a dog may be capable of performing functions to assist a disabled Customer without individualized training.
Qatar Airways permits free of charge, carriage of a service dog or psychiatric service dog to accompany a passenger within the cabin on the following flight routings only:
- Direct Qatar Airways flights between points in the USA and Doha, in both directions.
- Direct Qatar Airways flights connecting at Doha, to or from Qatar Airways flights between the USA and Doha, in both directions, for example, from Bombay to Doha to Houston. Such journeys must be booked as one through journey.
- Direct Qatar Airways flights between the USA and Doha, in both directions, which connect as through journeys from/to cities in the USA, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean South and Central America to / from cities served by Qatar Airways direct flights between the USA and Doha.
Guidelines for bringing a dog into the U.S.
The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published new rules for passengers who are bringing a dog to the U.S. The purpose of this regulation is to protect the health and safety of the people and animals against risk associated with dog-maintained rabies virus variant (DMRVV).
Passengers need to take certain new steps which depend on where the dog has been in the past 6 months.
All dogs accepted as checked baggage (AVI) or as service animal (SVAN) for travel to the U.S. must comply with following requirements:
- Dog must appear healthy and be at least 6 months old
- Dog must be microchipped
- Customers must complete following CDC Dog Import Form and carry evidence of the electronic receipt from CDC (printed receipt or show it on the phone):
- Customers must submit form online prior to their travel
- Each dog must have a separate form
Customers carrying a dog from high-risk countries for dog rabies are mandated to fulfill additional requirements based on high risk`s dog vaccination history.
List of high-risk countries can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/importation/dogs/high-risk-countries.html. If country is not listed, it`s considered as a dog-rabies free or low risk country.
Requirements are based on passenger`s dog situation, i.e. if in the 6 months prior to entering the U.S., dog has been:
- Only in dog rabies free or low-risk countries
- In any high-risk country, but:
- Vaccinated in the U.S. - vaccinated in foreign country (not U.S.)
- Not vaccinated
Further details and latest updates can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/importation/dogs/index.html.
In addition, please note that with immediate effect and until further notice, there is an embargo of transporting dogs to the BOS, ORD, DFW, IAH, SFO, SEA airports due to the absence of CDC approved animal care facilities arriving from high or low risk countries. This additional restriction does not apply for SSR AVIM or AVIL confirmed and ticketed on EMD-A on/before 10 December 2024.
Rebooking waiver for passengers holding tickets issued on QR/157 stock or plate:
- No waiver applies for customers carrying a dog from dog-rabies free or low risk country
- Please contact Qatar Airways contact Center or Local Qatar Airways Office, if customers do not fulfill requirements to carry dog from high-risk countries.
No refund and/or no-show waiver applies for passengers holding tickets issued on QR/157 stock or plate.
Breeds of Dogs and Cats not acceptable for Carriage on QR Flights*
Dogs Affenpinscher, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bichon Frise, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels, Bull dog (all breeds), Bull Mastiff (English Mastiff), Cane Corso, Chow Chow, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff), English Mastiff, French Terrier, Greyhound dogs with the exception of pets (No more than two greyhound dogs can be booked as pets), Griffon, •Japanese Chin, King Charles Spaniel, Neapolitan mastiff, Pekingese, Pitbull Terrier, Presa Canario, Pug (all breeds), Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Stafforshire Bull Terrier, Valley Terrier Cats Burmese, Exotic, Persian, Shirazi *The above mentioned list is subject to changes. The restriction applies mainly on pure breeds.
When being accepted for travel in the hold of the aircraft, following instructions should be adhered:
- Rodents such as mice, rats, marmots, rabbits are not allowed as checked baggage (only to be carried as cargo)
- Pets must be packed in kennels or pet containers
- Animal containers not to be loaded on baggage belts at check-in
Charges have to be collected as check-in excess baggage and irrespective of the fact that the animal is within the free baggage allowance.
- Weight Concept: apply the normal excess rate for the journey to the weight of the animal plus container
- Piece Concept: apply one charge per container irrespective of the weight, size or number of animals it contains
Animal in Hold (AVIH) / Service Animal (SVAN) / Falcons
Qatar Airways has introduced a new form to provide customers ease of access for requesting a carriage of Animals in Hold, Service Animals, and Falcons on QR flights.
The form will capture information related to processing of the request
- Type / breed of the pet
- Weight of pet and the container
- Dimensions of container (length x width x height)
- Documents for Service Animal SVAN
The request form is accessible in the help page.
A) Eligibility and Conditions:
- Tickets purchased through all channels (IB/MB, contact centers, CTOs, ATOs and travel agencies).
- Only QR operated flights.
- If not issued on QR 157 stock, reject the request
- If the itinerary is QR+OAL flights, assist with the request via Contact Center whilst if is OAL+QR flights, reject the request.
- Flight date should be at least 48 hours and not more than 60 days in the future.
- Puppies and kittens younger than twelve weeks are not accepted.
- Pet breed restrictions and country specific restrictions apply.
- Customer can submit requests for a max of 6 carriers and in each carrier a max of 3 pets of same litter is allowed
1.0 Booking an Animal in hold
Live animals and pets can only be accepted if IATA Live Animals Regulations are met in their entirety, as well as any additional government regulations that apply in the state of origin, transit and destination.
The weight of the container including the pet must not be greater than 75kg to be accepted as checked baggage
Certain stations cannot accept AVIH more than 32kg.
The total dimension of the container (Length + Width + Height) must not be larger than 118 inches (300 cm)
1.1 Reservations
Passengers can either call a contact center or visit a city office to book AVIH, between 2 and 30 days prior to the departure time.
1.2 Age restrictions
Puppies and kittens younger than twelve weeks are not accepted.
1.3 Cost of transportation
Total weight and dimensions
Additional baggage rate
Medium (AVIM)
Up to 32kg
To/From Qatar: USD 200
All other routes: USD 350
Large (AVIL)
Up to 75kg
To/From Qatar: USD 300
All other routes: USD 450
1.4 Breeds of Dogs and Cats not acceptable for Carriage on QR Flights*
Dog: Affenpinscher, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bichon Frise, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels, Bull dog (all breeds), Bull Mastiff (English Mastiff), Cane Corso, Chow Chow, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff), English Mastiff, French Terrier, Greyhound dogs with the exception of pets (No more than two greyhound dogs can be booked as pets), Griffon, Japanese Chin, King Charles Spaniel, Neapolitan mastiff, Pekingese, Pitbull Terrier, Presa Canario, Pug (all breeds), Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Stafforshire Bull Terrier, Valley Terrier
Cat: Burmese, Exotic, Persian, Shirazi
1.5 Restrictions for animals which shall not to be accepted:
- Female with suckling young are not allowed to be carried unless a veterinary certificate is produced which states that both mother and young one are fit to travel.
- Cats and dogs which are more than 6 weeks pregnant must not be accepted unless accompanied by a veterinary certificate certifying the animal is fit to travel and there is no risk of birth occurring during the journey.
- Certain breeds of Dogs and cats, including snub nosed shall not be accepted on Qatar Airways aircraft as checked baggage, as these animals, variably, are susceptible to increased risk of heat stroke (when exposed to stress or temperatures above 21 degrees Centigrade).
1.6 Container Specifications
- Be of the right size: The container should have enough space for the pet to turn about normally while standing, for it to stand and sit erect, and lie in a natural position
- Be well ventilated: The container must have adequate ventilation on at least three of its sides, with the majority of the ventilation on the upper part of the container
- Should come with food and water bowl: Either fixed inside the container or accessible for replenishment from outside the container.
- Be properly secured: To prevent the pet from escaping
As per the diagram above, a suitable container for the pet would fit the following minimum measurements:
- Length of container = Length of the animal (A) + ½ the length of their legs (B)
- Height of container(E) = Height of the animal (D) + Bedding
- Width of container = Width of the animal’s shoulders (C) x 2
All ventilation openings must be max. 25mm x 25mm (1 in x 1 in) for dogs and 19mm x 19mm ( ¾ in x ¾ in) for cats
Acceptance criteria for multiple pets in a single container
- Only one animal is allowed per container, unless two animals are used to cohabitating:
- Maximum of two animals of comparable size up to 14kg each
- Maximum of three animals up to 6 months from the same litter, up to 14kg each
- In case of more than one animal in the cage/kennel, the measurements A, B, C and D for determining the container dimensions must relate to the largest animal
- The height and length are determined in the same way as for a single animal.
- The width of the container is calculated for two animals as C x 3 or for three animals as C x 4
2.0 Booking a SVAN
- a. A service dog (SVAN) is any guide dog, signal dog or a trained dog to help an individual with a disability
- b. Service dogs perform some of the functions and tasks that an individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself
- c. A service dog is not a pet
- d. A rescue dog is not a service dog, as it does not help a person with a disability; hence, it is not permitted to fly in cabin
- e. Service dogs in training do not qualify as service dogs allowed in the cabin
- f. Emotional support dogs (ESAN) do not qualify as service dogs and are not accepted in cabin
2.1 Reservations
- Reservations should be made at least 48 hours prior to the departure time
- Service dogs are accepted in all cabins (including Qsuite)
- If the itinerary includes a flight on a partner airline, the customer needs to contact them and complete all required forms for traveling with a service animal
2.2 Age of SVAN
- Animals under 4 months of age may not travel as a service animal
2.3 Maximum allowed SVAN in cabin per passenger for flights to/from:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Switzerland, Norway, Georgia and European Union Member States
- One service dog or psychiatric service dog allowed in cabin
- If a customer has two service dogs, one of the dogs will be carried in the aircraft hold as checked baggage or cargo
United States of America
- In accordance with the safety requirements and Qatar Airways policies a maximum of 2 service dogs or psychiatric service dogs are allowed per passenger
United Kingdom
- One service dog is allowed in cabin, however if a customer has a psychiatric dog, it will be carried as manifested cargo
- SVAN can be carried in the cabin only if arriving from USA, and a total of three service animals are permitted on flights
All other destinations
On all flights to/from countries not listed above, service dogs or psychiatric service dogs may travel free of charge in the baggage hold as AVIH and not in the cabin.
2.4 Documents required
- Service dog
- Evidence required in form of an ID card, other documentation, tag or a credible verbal assurance of the owner
- Service dog certificate showing registration number of the dog and the certificate’s validity
- This needs to be presented at the time of reservation or at the time of check-in at the airport (in order to prove that the accompanying dog is a service dog and not a pet).
- Psychiatric service dog
- Certification from a licensed mental health professional is required. It should be a on a professional’s letterhead, signed and not older than one year from the date of the scheduled flight. Date and type of mental health professional’s license and state or jurisdiction where it was issued should be mentioned.
- The certification must state that the passenger:
- has a recognised mental or emotional disability (the certification does not have to specify the exact disability)
- needs the psychiatric service dog during air travel and/or at the destination
- is under the care of the licensed mental health professional providing the documentation
- Service dog certificate showing the registration number of the dog and the certificate’s validity
2.5 Cost of transportation
Service dogs or psychiatric service dogs travelling in cabin or in baggage hold as AVIH are accepted free of charge
3.0 Booking for Falcons
Falcons are the only animals accepted on Qatar Airways flights in the passenger cabin.
3.1 Itinerary restrictions
Only accepted in Economy Class
3.2 Reservations
- Booking a Falcon (FALC) is now an automated process i.e. the system will automatically confirm the SSR if the total number of falcons on each flight does not exceed 6 (narrow-body aircraft) or 12 (wide-body aircraft)
- If the quota is exceeded, the SSR status will be Unable to Confirm (UC). If the status is HK, the reservation agent should proceed with the EMD issuance
- Only one falcon may be carried per passenger
- The time-frame for reserving a falcon on-board is governed by the excess baggage
3.3 Country restrictions and documents
Falcons shall have a valid health certificate and entry permit according to the requirements of the countries of entry or transit. Refer to customs regulations
- Falcons are not permitted in the passenger cabin
- Passengers may carry their falcons as part of the checked baggage
- Carriage of any type of live birds and animals in cabin only be permitted if they are placed in proper boxes/cages as specified in the approved IATA Guidance Material, for the safety and security of all passengers.
3.4 Aircraft and capacity restrictions
- Falcons are not accepted on the A319 all Business Class aircraft and [CDLC4] on the upper deck of A380
- Maximum of 6 falcons may be accepted in Qatar Airways narrow-body aircraft
- Maximum of 12 falcons may be accepted in Qatar Airways wide-body aircraft
3.5 Cabin Safety Requirements
- Falcons shall always be hooded when carried in the passenger cabin
- Falcons will be carried in the passenger cabin at the owner’s risk
- A chain or cord shall be attached to a leg of each bird. The other end of the chain or cord shall be securely fixed to the handler, to prevent the bird from flying while in the cabin
- Falcons and perches are to be placed on the floor area in front of the seat
- Plastic sheets should be used to cover the floor area under the falcons and over the adjacent seat
- Falcons are not to be placed on the seats
- Any perches carried and used by the handlers shall not be allowed to impede exit from the aircraft in the event of an emergency
B) Confirmation
- 1) Request Confirmation - After submission of the form, customers are informed of the 48 hours timeframe for processing.
- 2) Processing confirmation: once the request is processed a confirmation email will be sent to the customer, informing of the amount to be paid at the airport for the service and reminding them to present at the airport all required documents.
- 3) The email does not contain a list of required documents, as it is customer responsibility to check this information via the links provided online on the request form.
- Exotic
- Persian
- Shirazi
The following breeds of dogs and mixes will not be accepted for carriage on Qatar Airways including all snub or pug-nosed.
- Affenpinscher
- Bichon Frise
- Boston Terrier
- Boxer
- Brussels Griffon
- Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)
- English/British Bull Dog
- French Bull Dog
- French Terrier
- Greyhound dogs with the exception of pets (No more than two greyhound dogs can be booked as pets)
- Japanese Chin
- King Charles Spaniel
- Neapolitan mastiff
- Pekingese
- Pug (all breeds)
- Shar Pei
- Shih Tzu
- Valley Terrier
The below list of dogs can be accepted only when carried as Cargo on Qatar Airways and all requirements are in compliance with the IATA Live Animal Regulations (LAR) container requirement 82.
- American Bull Dog
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Bull Mastiff (English Mastiff)
- Bull Terrier
- Cane Corso
- Chow Chow
- Dogo Argentino
- English Mastiff
- Pitbull
- Presa Canario
- Stafforshire Bull Terrier
Primates that are being carried for research purposes
- Animals younger than twelve (12) weeks
- Fragile / weak animals
- Female animals with suckling young – carriage will only be permitted on the basis of a veterinary certificate stating that both mother and young are fit to travel
- Cats or dogs which are more than six (6) weeks pregnant - carriage will only be accepted if a veterinary certificate certifies that the animal is fit to travel and there is no risk of birth during the journey
- Certain breeds of dogs and cat (such as snub-nosed breeds) as they are susceptible to increased risk of heat stroke when exposed to temperatures above 21 degrees Centigrade, or when under stress.
- Rodents such as mice, rats, marmots, and rabbits are not allowed as excess baggage. Such animals must be transported as cargo.
For more info.:https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/service-animals
Restrictions on transporting animals to and from Australia or New Zealand
Due to local regulations, Qatar Airways only accepts animals travelling to/from Australia or New Zealand as Cargo.
For further information travelling from Australia or New Zealand, please contact your nearest Qatar Airways Cargo office.
When travelling to Australia, note that animals can only be transported through Melbourne (MEL). For further information, please contact Post Entry Quarantine Services at PEQservices@agriculture.gov.au or phone at 1800 900 090 or (61 3) 8318 6700 (from outside Australia)